Meet Paul and Rachel, two fictitious characters.
Paul has been a Christian for over a decade and he has read the Bible from cover to cover, not on one occasion. He is recognised as an elder/deacon and he has led many organisational and structural changes in his church; he has also led many bible-study groups, and seamlessly steps in for the ‘boss’ on important occasions in the life of the church.
Rachel often wears different hats in her church – when she’s not singing, she’s a steward, helping newcomers, and always volunteering to prepare assorted dishes in the kitchen in a bid to enhance the communal life of her church. She has been through different churches with different systems, practices and forms of governments, but she’s dubbed ‘mama’ everywhere she goes; she is an active financier of the church and she definitely has the lingo and external attributes of a Christian.
Having built a reputation of trust overtime, both Paul and Rachel have spare keys to the church building. Continue reading “So near yet so far”