A blessing worth waiting for

Thankfulness is an important part of the Christian life; and even though the temptation to grumble and complain is ever so real, we can, by the simple act of counting our blessings, foster truly thankful hearts.

This week on the thankfulness series, Cathy McIntosh shares her story of gratitude to God for the gift of a mentor who came into her life at just the right time.

“Some of the steadfast lessons I learned during my wait are that God’s ways are perfect and that no one can thwart His plans. That message continues to resonate in my life and help me as I face a variety of trials and struggles. I thank Him every day that He helped me understand such a valuable truth.

I’m not proud of the way I focused on myself all those years ago. But I’m grateful that the Lord walked with me and began to mould me into His image. The Lord seems to move slowly, but we must take heart knowing that His timing is always perfect. His blessings are always worth the wait. Once we begin to understand, we can give thanks even while we experience delays.”

Read the full article here.

Thanks for reading!

Sike Osinuga.

Everyday gratefulness

Today’s post is the fourth in the ongoing Thankfulness series at Hebrews12endurance. Meredith Curtis shares with us her journey of cultivating gratefulness everyday in her life that is filled with both blessings and challenges.

Isn’t it the case for us all? Each life with its own share of ‘blessings and challenges’.

“When I count my blessings, I feel thankful and happy inside. I am aware of how much the Lord has given me and want to praise Him for every blessing.

When I focus on my trials, I feel so isolated. I feel like I have a heavier load than anyone and I feel sorry for myself.

Should I pretend the hard things don’t exist? No, not at all. However, I don’t need to dwell on them.

Instead, I can pour my heart out to Jesus, casting all my anxiety on Him because He cares for me. When I pray about my challenges, I feel strength rising up in me as I lay those burdens at His feet.”

Read the full article here, hope you find it encouraging.

Thanks for reading!

Sike Osinuga.

What are you thankful for?

Aminata, over at  hebrews12endurance is running a series on Thankfulness in the month of November. Each Monday and Thursday, she will be featuring one of 9 contributing bloggers, sharing what they are thankful for.

First in line is an expression of gratitude for the gift of words – written words, spoken words, The Living Word. Aminata shares her amazing journey from loathing God’s Word to loving it!

“I started seeing the beauty of a God who pursues His people, who loves them when they are most unlovable. For the first time in my life, I saw how He loved me. And it was humbling. As I recalled events in my life, I saw how God had snatched me away from disaster. When I made the decision to be baptized a second time, it was because I had fallen head over heels in love with Jesus and wanted to commit my life to Him.

God had saved me with His words.”

Head over to read the entire article here. And be sure to join in on this month-long series.

Thanks for reading!

Sike Osinuga.