Get busy God’s way

Photo by Estée Janssens on Unsplash

This post was inspired by this 3-minute clip recorded by Tim Challies, a respectable blogger, author and book reviewer. He recently began trialling a series of weekly vlogs called ‘3-minute Thursdays’. So far he has managed to share some godly counsel with commendable brevity.

This particular clip is on productivity, and is quite timely as it comes to us at a season of crossover, for lack of a better word. The end of a year is a good time to reflect on the outgoing year, and also make plans for the one approaching. For sure, we will go about this review and planning process in as many different ways as imaginable. Yet, for whatever it is worth, may I pass to you these tips in hopes that they inspire you to plan for the New Year in a God-honouring way. And for those who might have checked this planning exercise off as ‘done and dusted’ already, you may glean some wisdom for future use.

Tip 1: Do not expect quick fixes.

This helps manage expectations and keeps you grounded in reality, even as you anticipate change. Without enduring the labour of laying a good foundation for sustainable productivity, off-the-shelf tools and techniques may fail to yield the desired result.

Tip 2: Make your productivity about more than yourself.

A good summary of his proposal is that “The truly productive and satisfying life is one that’s directed to the good of others and to the glory of God.”

There is far greater satisfaction in turning the focus of our productivity first towards God, and to others than in self-focused glory.

Tip 3: Understand that productivity is best understood in terms of investment.

As Christians, God expects a return on our lives in measure with the gifts, talents, resources and opportunities he has given us. Hence, asking the question of how best to invest these gifts in the coming year is not just fitting, but necessary.

Wisdom for the taking

There we have it! Three modest, yet compelling ideas that are capable of yielding some good productivity in the New Year, and even many years to come.

I know this proposal is counter-cultural, but we must remember that we’re called to live life God’s way! Amidst all the alternative approaches that are clamouring for your attention, are you prepared to ponder these tips in light of your unique life circumstance?

For more practical details on each tip, be sure to watch the 3-minute video or read the transcript here.

Thanks for reading!

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