Yesterday, Christians around the world commemorated the Day of Pentecost, a remembrance of the feast of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles and other followers of Jesus Christ in Jerusalem as recorded in Acts 2. This was in fulfilment of the promise Jesus made to his disciples during his farewell discourse –
” Nevertheless, I tell you the truth: it is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you. But if I go, I will send him to you.” John 16:7 ESV
It is quite remarkable that the Holy Spirit is described in this passage as ‘the Helper’. Well, we know that the Bible was not written originally in English, so the original word in Greek, Parakletos, takes on different renderings such as Counsellor, Comforter, Advocate and a few other variants in different Bible translations. Even so, such variations in terminology do not diminish the person and work of the Holy Spirit.
Our Comforter
The Holy Spirit is the believer’s Comforter, not in the mere sense that He only consoles us, but in the sense that He comes to our aid by ministering to us in our spiritual lives. Spotlighting Jesus, He brings to our remembrance Jesus’ works and words. While Jesus pleads our cause before our heavenly Father as our advocate, the Holy Spirit fills in for his physical absence, convicting the world of sin, righteousness and judgement.
John 14 – 16 set forth the cost of Christian discipleship, and it is within that context that the Holy Spirit is promised. The Church is called to bear witness to the invisible kingdom of God in all the earth and to do just that, we require supernatural strength.
The disciples were told to tarry in Jerusalem until they were endued with power from on high. In other words, they could not accomplish their mission without that crucial empowerment. And even when they were gripped by fear and hid themselves, they prayed and were filled afresh with the Holy Spirit, the result of which was extraordinary boldness, and an increased spread of the gospel!
The same is true for us today – the only way to faithfully live out our faith is by the Spirit. Our daily toil ought to be couched in the strength made available by the One standing by our side.
It is not uncommon for us to feel overwhelmed and wearied by the race that is set before us, but it is comforting to have one that stands with us to empower, encourage and uphold us steadily and steadfastly to the end – the Holy Spirit.
A continuous filling
The outpouring of the Holy Spirit, though historically fulfilled on the day of Pentecost, is not a one-off event, as Paul the Apostle later admonishes us not to be drunk with wine, but to be filled with the Holy Spirit. The implication of this admonition suggests an ongoing and recurring activity.
Just as a tree will only produce fruits of its kind, the only hope we have of bearing the fruit of the Spirit in increasing measure is by yielding to the Spirit’s work in us. It is futile to expect that we can, by sheer determination or will power produce the genuine article. The only way we can walk in the good works prepared for us to walk in is by the power of the Spirit.
May I invite you to join me in making a daily commitment to ask the Lord to fill us with His Spirit. There’s no telling what the Lord might be pleased to do in and through us in answer to that simple prayer.
Thanks for reading!
Sike Osinuga
Amen, we need the rivers of living water flowing from deep inside of us that can never run dry.
Oh yes, we’ve got to stay connected to the Source! Thanks for stopping by, Tola 🙂
Amen ! “It is not uncommon for us to feel overwhelmed and wearied by the race that is set before us, but it is comforting to have one that stands with us to empower, encourage and uphold us steadily and steadfastly to the end – the Holy Spirit.“ – Words to live by! Thank you Sike.